Climate Recipes

An open and growing archive of lived wisdom of people

Climate Recipes archives and relays lived and tested knowledge as recipes that shift our existing perceptions of adaptability to climate change. Encompassing the wisdom of indigenous ancestors, environmentalists, activists, foragers, chefs, architects, and artists, it presents practices and cultures that teach us to live with the changing biodiversity.

Our first edition concluded in Goa and next up is Bangalore for Urban Labs, Andhra Pradesh for Natural Farming food systems, and Odisha for situated economy as our next sites of research. The project extends to expand and spatialize the scope of knowledge gathered across indigenous resilience, urban sustainability, agroecological farming, and adapting to the shifts in our living sustainably and with respect.

Climate Recipes is relayed by Srinivas Aditya Mopidevi & Srinivas Mangipudi and supported by Sunaparanta Goa Centre for the Arts,, and Socratus.

This project is supported by Sunaparanta Foundation for the Arts, Socratus Foundation for Collective Wisdom and

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